Not Easter


It is truly heartbreaking for what happened, and in no way was Good Friday fitting to its name. It was an injustice; a slap in the face of what is good. To say it is a sacrifice would be inappropriate to say the least to malevolence when it is in the wrong hands.

Well This Sucks! ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’”


It may have been Easter Weekend, but it sure did not feel like Easter. Humanity is quite literally sick ๐Ÿค’++ & in more ways than one. It is usually around the best part of the year, with the awakening of certain parts after a period of dormancy. Darkness falls into retreat, though it seems odd this time around. Despite the ratio of daylight to nighttime hours, this year seems that spring has not sprung this year, rather โ„frozen in suspensionโ„. Light may have overcome the dark at this time, but in the recesses, how can that be said when it is never observed? When sheltered from ideas, they are difficult to conceptualize though once exposed are difficult to ignore. It has still been a frozen Easter and will likely go down in history of dishonorable mentions. ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฃ


Adapting a new Status Quo ๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ“œ

๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฃ Jamberry Easter Wraps ๐Ÿฃ๐Ÿฐ Featuring our Spring collection! Long lasting wear keep your nails personal knives looking eggcellently sharp during the spring season. Order your wraps today and earn Double Reward Points! ๐Ÿ’•

Nailed it….

๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒNot only is there this virus causing the systematic shut down of our artificial world, though as you look around the natural world is regenerating.๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒ A stark teaching in itself that the planet would be better off in the absence of humanity. In old lore, the purpose of humanity is to act as shepherds to tend to all else. The truth of the matter, if that is the collective purpose of the human race is to act as caretakers that hold a position of dominance, then humanity fails miserably. The human race may also be separate from much of the natural world, but that detachment does not make us superior or invincible. If it were true, human civilizations would not have been inoculated time after time while still repeating the same mistakes. All our fabricated systems are just as feeble. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป

From closures of businesses and services deemed non-essential to cancelations of family events, many face the struggles of daily functionality. Many simply go without their livlihods as they are closed in the interest of public safety. A better alternative is to encourage businesses to function and raise standards to reflect the changes with regard to public health. To read between the lines to derive further meaning is to understand that standards need to adapt and evolve to ensure that we do not undo all our hard work.

& ๐Ÿ’ฉ, the novel Coronavirus doesn’t even touch the matter; the plague has even social distanced itself from the situation. We must be proactive, as new pathogens are continuously evolving. Some may say to be prepared in the event that a future โ˜ฃ infection โ˜ฃ seem like a harmless kitten when this is said and done. It would be as if we never learned anything, and like our own immune systems, we must learn and implement new ways to protect each other’s safety in light of future outbreaks. There are no answers and it seems as there is no end in sight, as reports say that we are only about 5% into the overall emergency. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ


You read that right and according to experts, currently say we are only about here on this bar with regards to this pandemic.๐Ÿ˜’ Few leaders openly have any failsafe options, though the ones that tend to be most effective tend to be fast-acting and have the most widespread and universal approach. Those that will ultimately weather the pandemic will have a comprehensive long term plan. It is troublesome in itself see many leaders with no set goals in mind when it comes to a systematic approach to lifting the restrictions or is expected to change in light of this crisis. As you look back on history, you may see that in many cases, the framework by which we have become governed shrouded in bureaucratic โŽโŽโŽ red tape has a tendency when it comes to their presentation is sorely inefficient and their measures often lack credibility.

Many experts say we are in for unprecedented times, though they are only unprecedented in terms of reaction. It may not even be clear until it is analyzed and retroactively before it may be a topic of debate and criticism. Is there really a need for such complex and multifaceted systems as they pose many problems that are to be remedied by adding only more layers hindering overall efficiency where a much simpler and streamlined version can satisfy? If so, is this the time that we as a people are faced with an unprecedented systems overhaul? Have we become unable to adapt at a quick enough pace that it requires assistance where it previously unnecessary? Even the Pope is suggesting a type of a universal basic income, which in a sense will simplify and streamline social safety nets. In ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ, they have recently expanded the CERB to all Canadians with minimum restrictions. Petulance has been a longstanding nemeses, and even as to having a word itself. Sworn enemies create a sickly effect and perhaps as these times get biblical here, make sure you follow the command:

Thou Shall Not COVID Thy Neighbor’s Wife


No Good Friday

We have always gone to Sherwood Park to celebrate Easter. The tradition went on for 20 years since learning that Brody was on the way. ๐Ÿ’• So in order to celebrate the Good News, Uncle Brent and Auntie Donna hosted a shower! Only discord here is that this year, we find that we have to say goodbye. ๐Ÿ’” It is difficult enough to learn of such devastating news, how would one manage during this global emergency?

Imagine being jolted awake to loud unrelenting cries… โ€ผ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒโ€ผ No! What!? What did you say? What happened? No! It can’t be true…. Brody! Noooo please, it can’t be. No, didn’t wake up. โ€ผ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฒโ€ผ As shocking as the resolution, came the news that our cousin Brody passed away early in the morning. We are all perplexed and devastated with his passing. First responders are unable to identify the cause. Little is known beyond the conversation with his father after coming home from an evening of Skip the Dishesโ„ข. The only thing that we have is that he reported feeling tired and said he was going to go to bed. We are aware of his sleep apnea but are looking for answers. Nobody knew anything, not even his girlfriend. It is difficult to not make any conclusion prematurely; we will cross that bridge when we get there.

They talk about the new normal and things are going to be different. I don’t like this change; nobody is ready for any of this. In fact am so peeved by the matter that I wish to pay my condolences as I see fit, regardless of the lockdown. It should not have happened as it was a mere accident, there isn’t anything else to go on other than him passing away in his sleep in the early morning. He was healthy, but other than his sleep apnea, we have no other answers as first responders rule out any obvious cause. It is like trying to get something that is out of reach, when it comes to life, we all know it to be an incredibly painful experience. ๐Ÿ˜ง๐Ÿ˜ง๐Ÿ˜ง

Salica’s Saturday

Remember that Alluring Anglerfish from Finding Nemo? The power in the message the hooks draw immense appeal as it lures and manipulates you into life-threatening situations.๐Ÿ’กโ˜ TV Tropesโ˜ ๐Ÿ’ก

โ€ผ Never ask if things can get any worse โ€ผ Of life’s many games, stands to be the most pernicious. You’re a self fulfilling prophecy, and that saying is an old ๐Ÿ’ฉ trap. Much rather prefer to ask if things can get any better, as it better as it allows you to look upwards. Hey, I would take that advice if I were you and you had a fear of heights, “whatever you do, don’t look down!” It seems that cartoon physics has made it way into my life. That is, things are not the way they are or actively so unless you look. So if you ask yourself how things can be better and what you can do about it, you’re looking up! If you throw yourself a pity party and ask how situations can become even less favorable, you’re going down! ใ€ฐFair and Simpleใ€ฐ ๐Ÿ”ชCut and Dry๐Ÿ”ช. That is the way it is, and if you want to change it, there are many things that can be done albeit not directly, but you’d be surprised on the series of vastly complex chain reactions. Been fronting a lot more often, and at random. Guessing the ๐Ÿ’ฉuation is going out of hand ๐Ÿ˜’ but they lothe me. They like the host, so take it we work in tandem.

Recall how I told you to stop asking how things can get any worse? ๐Ÿ˜’ They are self-fulfilling! Instead, ask how things can improve. Maybe that ๐Ÿ’ก is sunlight at the end of the tunnel, and not really an Anglerfish. When you are deep in an abyss, you may even say that any kindness might be seen as a beacon of hope. Mnahhh it was an accident that that asshat’s junkie son is still here and that our beloved cousin is gone.

There’s no respect Kevin to go anyone and it is irritating to say the least to having you literally run for your life. , and it was the last straw on our dishonorable mentions. Every other day he will go into rockstar mode, in essence is like what a 70’s frat party would look like if you had no friends.ย Introducing the 2020 70’s fratboy: the year a deadly plague forced global lockdown. You are left with a solo act of binge drinking and intrusively loud music, and a varying level of civilry to utter belligerence, depending on his mood which is very much like playing a game of Russian Roulette. Most nights in the minefield are neutral if you walk on eggshells and if you tread real careful and play along then it can be somewhat less terrible where it might actually be something to have optimistic about. The moment you have let your guard down, you are vulnerable. Make no mistake, it is none other than a trap, and much like the actual game, the outcome can be deadly.


Sum Sunday

Three RCMP vehicles in driveway. Pictured from upstairs
๐Ÿš”๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฃ What a view to behold from your acreage over Easter โ€ข The Royal Canadian Mounted Police ๐Ÿฃ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐Ÿป๐Ÿš”

The mendacity is strong in this one. From regards, the relationship is of a cyclical nature and a strong inclination to be deciet. In past situations, law enforcement overlooked our calls, even so much to as victim blame while they fall into his manipulative tactics. โ˜  It is yet another trap. Molemy and I fear that they would act as they previously have.

Originally designed and built as a place to listen to music and smoke without disturbing the rest of the house. Lately the place has been abused by asshat Kevin who spends most of his waking hours on the bench binge drinking, chain smoking and having the neighborhood listen to his playlist. Looks like the Tasmanian Devil decorated the place…

April 12, 2020 โ€ข Gruelling Garage โ€ข 4NeonFun
Grueling Garage โ€ข Pictured from door connecting garage & house

Last night was no blank, as a simple request had escalated into violence. It all started with a simple request for him to tone it down, to no consideration he minimizes it by claiming grief — the relationship was not there; you never grew up with him. Sure, you might be sad but it is not to the extent of our loss. Frusterated, I grab a White Claw and goes to have a drink and Kevin escalates the situation by grabbing yet another one of my seltzers that I have paid for. I only had a couple over the span of the evening, and he has gone through his entire 15 pack of beer and is already into my third seltzer. I proceed to cut him off by grabbing all the drinks while arguing about me taking all the drinks. I say that I am sorry you ran out of beer and you are not entitled. Kevin did not like that and while he was trying to manipulate Molemy into his side and his argument. Kevin, growing more furious by the second charges towards me and my arms full of the remaining White Claw with the fridge door the only barrier between myself and his fit of drunken rage.

Tension quickly rose as I continue to gather all the remaining seltzers under my arms and I flew out of there. I feel as the door made contact with my thigh as he body slammed into the door screaming threats. Without looking back, I make my way inside the house to offload the alcohol. Moments later, I start hearing loud noises and screaming from the garage. I hear my name being called and without skipping a beat, I go find my mother at the stairs wailing about being unable to lock the garage door. I proceed to go towards the door and lock the push+turn knob and jostle the door to get the deadbolt. Molemy and I both agree to lock all the other doors to the house and she is insists on having me call. I dialed the emergency number and hand her the phone where she immediately panics and hangs up. I was taken aback by this motion and questioned her a few seconds later, the operator follows up to unlock the phone and tend to the call. We both sit and wait for what felt like an eternity for the RCMP’s to come. Molemy then starts bawling and explains between sobs how the situation further escalated until finally she was thrown to the ground a few times, once in the back by the stove, into the propane tank and once again into the glass table (pictured out of place), knocking over the red chair.

“You can’t take all the booze, Amy! How often do you drink my beer? I do so much around here and you are a useless b!tch. Can’t I have a good time?”

“I am sorry you ran out of beer. I do not owe you anything and you’re not entitled to the alcohol that I have paid for. Watch me, Kevin.”

There were 4 RCMP officers in three cars that shown up. Kevin explains his bogus story in the garage while Molemy and I recall what actually happened. They each took statements and after the officer we had told the other officers to remove Kevin from the property. The other officers look questioning, but ultimately followed suit. Kevin then had a long conversation in the front yard and since he is just wasted, he is unable to drive. ๐Ÿšซ We filed a restraining order and had him removed.

The day was long overdue, the day that Kevin, the asshat is finally out of our lives. Serves him a restraining order possibe, have the debaucle on official records. He was removed by RCMP officers $56 cab fare to go home. ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‘ฎ๐ŸปIn hindsight, I spent only about a twoonie more on alcohol than he did for his fare. Just petty desserts. ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŽ‚


Eh!? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป So later we get Arnold to escort the belligerent alcoholic to gather his remaining items that were left. You don’t make this stuff up, and they didn’t go far as they decide to stop railroad tracks on Sundown Road. What are they doing there? ๐Ÿป Drinking a beer! ๐Ÿป Oh you cannot remember last night other than having to take a taxi back to his apartment in Edmonton from the Spruce Grove RCMP detachment. What a life, drinking and driving when you’d normally have coffee break. He weaponized his superficial charm and claimed that he never remembered getting so out of control that he we resorted to calling the authorities while fretting over our own safety. It is his classic gaslighting at work, and this time absolutely nobody bought it. It has been a decade since the relationship started and its burial with this morally bankrupt narcissist was long overdue.

It is definitely true that the increase in domestic abuse is directly related to the complications that arise from the current global emergency. With the efforts of flattening and suppressing one curve, many more curves are bound for sharp peaks. How as a species of superior intelligence fall short in their problem-solving methodology when it comes to the basic problems we collectively face? It has been proven that no one person can answer that, though it doesn’t mean it cannot be done as a collective. With oneism and love, we are stronger together! โœ”๐Ÿ’•




Tags: #Easter, Family

Author: 4neonfun

๐Ÿ‘‹Hello, and welcome to my corner of the Internet! Here you will find a unique collection of stories and artistic expression. โญA system with a dark history and a bright future.๐ŸŒŸ We DID it!๐ŸŽ‰ Certified Nursing Attendant & Administrative professional. Visit my website at โ˜•Cheers! ~4NeonFun

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