Café Molnar

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Coffee lovers rejoice! This page is for you and in reference to CAFÉ MOLNAR. What you will find here is links to my external sites and the Facebook Closed Group. Get a RISE ~ the tasty way of nourishing your Endocannabinoid System (ECS) with 25mg of cannabinoids per cup. This coffee will not induce a high, however when I had it, I can describe the feeling like a runner’s high or after I get Dr. Mills to manipulate my joints.

Speaking of joints… I need to stop rolling joints for my joints. I smoke several times a day and go through an excess of an OZ. every month. The amount of charred rez in my pieces constantly begs the thought that this is also accumulating like that inside me. Fibromyalgia is painful and affects not only your joints but soft tissues such as fibrin – structures to hold together myosin being the muscle fibers themselves, in fact it literally is a pain disorder. I am not going to go back to my high school self and try to ignore it. You can’t ignore it when you are part of the 1% suffer from it. In fact, most of them being women, and that pain is personal and subjective, it was largely overlooked by the medical community and society alike as there are no visible signs and can easily be regarded as that person has it all in their head. With that, when I finally did get my diagnosis, I was not offered any sort of holistic solution, it was really just a combination of things I already tried and then these pills which in turn are very damaging to health. If this coffee pans out, it is a much more enjoyable and healthy way of getting results that work. I am going to quit smoking or at least cut back dramatically; my lungs will thank me later.

No running or chiropractors needed although running is a very good way of ensuring physical activity. Well, as for my chiropractor, he says I am tenacious as I keep bringing it up at each time. In fact, my chiropractor always says he has patients coming to him asking about CBD and I am a walking textbook so I answered his questions he could not as reasearch supports it but was not exactly taught in school. Mills, well it turns out he, too is suffering chronic pain and is more than keen to try, so I gave him some. Rise comes individually packed in resealable packets (for partial dosing) and is available in 3 convenient quantities:




RISE is very fast acting, in fact I felt it in my shoulders, neck, hips, among other trouble spots as I was drinking the coffee, I started noticing the effects right away. I was not even half way through my cup and my muscles felt that tingling that one only gets when experiencing euphoria. As I continued, I felt it pulse and a relaxing feeling in under clavicle and scapula (collarbone and shoulder blades) and an overwhelming sense of calm. The effects lasts much longer than if I was to even smoke a CBD rich strain, making it a viable alternative to simply smoking Cannatonic strains.

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Café Molnar ☕ Webpage

☕Cheers! ~4NeonFun