3/13 Friday Friendzy

Salica • 4NeonFun Header
So hot I’m deadly!

➕🗡Friday Friendzy🗡➕

Life really has a funny way of making everything into a game. To which this is the perfect avatar! Made up this up from a photo and like a million different effects, but hey I am digging this now and to H-E-double hockey sticks, I shall be the Canadian devil! Eh?

Memoirs of Life’s MiniGames

If life is a game it would lay something like— You wouldn’t even want to know. *sigh* OK let’s get those spirits up today! Besides… What really haunts you and what is the worst thing that can happen? You tell me!

😇👿Anyone down for Ouija Night at the Haunted Mansion tonight? 👿😇

If I had it, we could crank the novel Coronavirus up more! But I swear, the mass hysteria and lack of common sense are hilarious in their own rite; they must also be symptoms. Ya know, measles are much more contagious than this, and some f you aren’t even taking measures to protect yourselves (ahm vaccines, anyone) that you probably should just award yourselves the Darwin Award now!

Meanwhile they are paying people a few grand to get infected and stay at home for a couple of weeks. Heck, sign me up if it is nothing more than a mild cold in most cases. No, it shouldn’t cause you to buy pallets of TP, but I also appreciate the memes! I just don’t like it when I gotta get some when I realize that I too am out. Also, I guess some people just like to see the world burn… Guess I’m one of those… Ya do it on yourselves by causing yourselves to catatrophize everything, which good going, you are all more worked up than I would ever be… Still never more crucial than ever to have common sense, hand hygiene and plenty of…

✨Cheers! ~4NeonFun

Whatever can cross the mind will cross the mind however, bright ideas never die!

Tags: #Satire #Graphic_Design

Author: 4neonfun

👋Hello, and welcome to my corner of the Internet! Here you will find a unique collection of stories and artistic expression. ⭐A system with a dark history and a bright future.🌟 We DID it!🎉 Certified Nursing Attendant & Administrative professional. Visit my website at www.4neonfun.xyz ☕Cheers! ~4NeonFun

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